Termination-Related Resources (online)

The following online discussion forums are specifically for parents who have terminated a pregnancy due to a poor prenatal diagnosis or a serious complication with the mother's health. Some forums are public (anyone can view or post) and some are private (only those whose membership has been approved by a moderator can view or post):

BabyCenter.com, Termination for Medical Reasons message board - A public message board for those who have terminated a pregnancy for medical reasons (or those who are considering doing so) to receive support and information, and to connect with others who have experienced a similar loss. In addition to the main TFMR group, there are also a number of spin-off groups on various topics, such as Conception After a Termination for Medical Reasons, Expecting after a Termination for Medical Reasons, Genetic Carriers, TFMR Support for Dads, and Life After a Termination for Medical Reasons (a private group with restricted membership). The main TFMR group and several of the spin-off groups have been in existence (in their current form) since 2008.

A Heartbreaking Choice, discussion forums hosted by Yuku - A private message board system where anyone who has terminated for medical reasons is allowed to post to receive support and information, and to connect with others who have experienced a similar loss. The board is broken up into various topics, such as a Main Forum, Trying to Conceive, Subsequent Pregnancy, Spirituality and Religion, and Pro-Choice discussion. This board has been in existence (in its current form) since 2005.

A Heartbreaking Choice - A private discussion forum for those who have undergone a pregnancy termination due to a poor prenatal diagnosis, problems with their own health or for the health of another fetus. The forums are broken up into various topics, such as newly bereaved, trying to conceive, fertility matters, spirituality, and subsequent pregnancy.

• TFMR (Termination for Medical Reasons), A Loving Choice Facebook group - A closed (private) Facebook group where those who have terminated a pregnancy for medical reasons are allowed to share and receive information and support. Please note that although this is a closed group, it is not a "secret" group. For more information on the difference between a closed group and a secret group, see here. This group has been in existence since 2011.

The following websites are specifically for parents who have terminated a pregnancy due to a poor prenatal diagnosis or a serious complication with the mother's health:

A Heartbreaking Choice.com - A website for those who have terminated a pregnancy for medical reasons and are looking for information and support. Contains articles, personal stories, a Memorial Rose Garden, and private discussion forums.

A Heartbreaking Choice.net - A website for those who have terminated for medical reasons and are looking for information and support. Contains practical information, articles, Parent stories, a Butterfly Memorial Garden, Twitter and Facebook feeds, and a blogroll. This website is affiliated with the Yuku discussion forums mentioned above.

The following websites/message boards offer support to those who are struggling after a termination for ANY reason (medical or not):

P.A.S.S. Support forums - A message board system for those who have terminated a pregnancy for any reason to receive support. Those who have not yet terminated are not allowed to post on any of the private boards. There is one public board where anyone can post (membership not required).

Exhale - An organization which provides support after an abortion through a national talkline. Exhale has established a pro-voice community which uses a blog, story sharing and a bus tour for people to share their stories and spread the pro-voice message.

I'm Not Sorry - A website where women have shared their abortion stories. Includes a section on suggested ways to respond to pro-life questions/comments.

The following websites offer support to people suffering from the loss of a child, either through miscarriage, stillbirth, termination for medical reasons, infant death, or death at any age:

SHARE Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support, Inc. - An organization serving those whose lives have been touched by the loss of a baby through pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or in the first few months of life. Contains parent stories, professional resources, a newsletter, an online store, and information about local chapters.

Mothers in Sympathy and Support (MISS) Foundation - A non-profit organization which provides counseling, advocacy, research and education for families who have experienced the death of a child. Includes articles, research, a newsletter, private discussion forums, and list of local support groups.

The Compassionate Friends - An organization which offers friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, siblings, and grandparents. Includes webinars, scheduled live chats, a crisis hotline, lists of local chapters, and an online store.

A Place to Remember - A website which offers support resources for those who have been touched by a crisis in pregnancy or the death of a baby. Includes a bookstore, card shop, specialty items and memorial items for purchase. Also has an online Remembrance book. Website has a link to their Facebook page, where most of the resource information can be found.

StillBirthday - A website whose purpose is to validate a pregnancy loss as the birth, and death, that it is. Includes printable detailed birth plans for various gestations and situations (including fatal diagnoses), articles, stories, a newsletter, baby photos, and information on a network of participating doulas.

Baby and Infant Loss Memories (Australia) - A website created to help parents who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death and infant loss. Provides information on support, articles, and an online store where personalized keepsakes can be created and ordered.

SANDS (Australia) - An organization which provides support and information to parents and their families to facilitate healthy grieving. Includes a support hotline, parent support groups, one-to-one parent support, information pamphlets, articles and parent stories.

ARC - Antenatal Results and Choices (UK) - An organization which provides non-directive support and information to expectant and bereaved parents before, during, and after prenatal screening and testing. Includes a helpline, publications, and a forum for bereaved parents.

The Splash Project (UK) - An organization which provides support to those who have suffered a pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. Offers telephone support, monthly group meetings, and one-on-one support, as needed.

SANDS (UK) - An organization which provides support to anyone affected by the death of a baby, and promotes research to reduce the loss of babies' lives. Offers support groups, message boards, informational leaflets, and an online shop.

Feilacain (Ireland) - A non-profit organization which provides support to anyone affected by the death of a baby during pregnancy or shortly afterward. Offers a support helpline, befriending service, support group, private online forums, an online shop, and free memory boxes for grieving families.

SANDS (New Zealand) - An organization of volunteer groups which provide understanding, awareness and support for those dealing with the death of a baby in pregnancy, birth, or as a newborn, and due to medical termination or other forms of reproductive loss. Some groups provide informational support packs, certificates of life, moses baskets, and inkless print kits. Provides phone support, regular group meetings, and a lending library.

Pregnancy Loss Australia (formerly known as Teddy Love Club) - A national support program for bereaved families who suffer a loss through miscarriage, stillbirth, termination due to fetal abnormality, and neonatal loss. Offers professional telephone counseling, in-person counseling, online support groups, in-person support groups, a bear giving program, informational packets, care packs, and access to a grief & loss library.

Centering Corp. - An online store which provides a catalog of grief publications for various types of loss, and a teen blog.

Grief Watch - A website which provides bereavment resources, memorial products, articles, a newsletter, and a state-by-state listing of various grief and loss support groups.

The following websites offer pregnancy loss-related mementos (such as jewelry, garden stones, plaques, etc.) for purchase:

The Comfort Company

Keepsakes, Etc.

La Belle Dame

My Forever Child

Meadow Hill Corp. Thumbies