Monday, January 21, 2008

Blog for Choice Day!

In honor of the 35th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and for the benefit of "Blog for Choice Day", I am opening this blog up to the public for the first time ever.

The question this year for Blog for Choice Day is "Why vote pro-choice?". My short answer is "Why the heck not?!" Even in the year 2008, people who happen to have been born with XX chromosomes instead of XY chromosomes are still not treated with the same respect, compensation or opportunities. I agree that, by and large, women have made some significant strides over the past 35 years. But now is not the time for women to become complacent and sit back. We cannot assume that the same protections our mothers were allowed will exist for our own daughters if we do nothing to preserve those protections. And just because I was allowed to interrupt a pregnancy due to a serious fetal anomoly, there is no guarantee that my own daughters will have that same right. I have two living daughters, and I will not sit by while some people, who have never walked a mile in MY shoes, try to wrap their rosaries around our ovaries.

Blog for Choice Day

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