Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The blurred line between fiction and real events

Last Friday, NBC aired an episode of "Law & Order" which involved a supposedly fictitious story of a late-term abortion provider being murdered in his church. Sound familiar? Obviously, the episode was based on the story of Dr. George Tiller who was murdered in his church last May. But being that "Law & Order" is a Hollywood production, the line between fiction and reality was horribly blurred throughout the course of the episode. What was left was an obviously biased and UNrealistic view of the work Dr. Tiller committed himself to, and the heartbreak felt by his patients who more often than not had no where else to turn. Here are some fantastic reviews of the episode:

Salon.com - "Law & Order's Anti-Choice Propaganda"

RH Reality Check - "Dr. Tiller Murdered Again by NBC's Law & Order"

Women & Hollywood - "Law and Order Episode Imparts No 'Dignity" for Women"

Ms. Magazine - "No Dignity for NBC"

RH Reality Check - "The 'Law and Order' Abortion Disaster and the Wasteland of TV"

Huffington Post - "Misremembering Dr. Tiller: How Law & Order Got it Wrong"

Here is a sample letter from NOW where you can voice your concerns to NBC over this poorly produced and written episode - "Tell NBC to Stop Showing Propaganda Regarding Abortion Rights for Women!"

It's clear the writers and producers of this episode have never themselves faced a tragic pregnancy with a poor prenatal diagnosis. They are blessed that way, I suppose. But for them to take that ignorance and try to shove it down our throats is insulting, offensive, and hurtful to those of us who have experienced a pregnancy with a poor prenatal diagnosis.


Anonymous said...

Why the need for late term abortions? You don't have to murder the child to save the mother. Deliver the baby normally and let nature take its course if born between 20 and 24 weeks. Sucking the brains out of a sweet innocent baby is nonsense.

I hope you never have the opportunity to have an abortion again. You're a fucked up liberal.

Me said...

If you had bothered to take the time to read my story you would see that I did let "nature take its course" and my baby was delivered stillborn at 21 weeks. If you feel so strongly about your viewpoint, why hide behind an anonymous username?
I hope you never have the opportunity to create a child, because if it's true what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree, your spawn certainly will be as ignorant and closed-minded as yourself.